Books We’ve Edited


Living in Grace: A 30-Day Devotional (2025, paperback) - by Redland Baptist Church

We live in a world that needs grace. Thankfully, God offers His limitless grace, which is expressed most fully through His Son, Jesus. We also live in a world that is forgetful, but we can remember God’s grace every day by refreshing ourselves with the truth of God’s Word, the Bible. We wrote this book to help you do just that. This devotional book is a collection of daily insights written by members of Redland Baptist Church in Derwood, Maryland. The entries are drawn from God’s Word and the authors’ personal stories. As you read each one, may you be drawn closer to the God whose grace can permeate, redeem, and refresh our lives.


Doctrine of Intimidation: Standing Firm Against the Winds of Spiritual Manipulation and Deceptive Signs (2024, paperback) - by Randy Pool

In Doctrine of Intimidation, Randy Pool provides a careful and critical study of the role of “sign gifts” in the New Testament and the way gifts’ passages in Scripture are misapplied today. With clarity, compassion, and biblical conviction, Pool shows how the true gospel provides freedom from man-made religious standards.


Abundant Living: A Guide to a Rich Life with God and Others (2024, paperback, hardback, ebook) - by Jon Albert

Jesus offers the abundant life—the adventurous, disciplined, and productive life. He invites us to embrace the adventure of our relationship with God and with people. He shows us how we can live with discipline in order to give life to others. And our unity with Him enables us to have a productive, fruitful harvest of good works.

Pull on your boots and join Jon Albert for a guided biblical journey of the abundant life—and learn to experience the life Jesus has always wanted for you.


Lead On Mission: Advance Faith at Work. Avoid Mission Drift. Build a Legacy of Eternal Impact. (2024, paperback, hardback, ebook) - by Becca Spradlin

The case studies in Lead On Mission show how business owners, leaders, and boards take steps to advance a higher purpose beyond their tenure. In doing so, they increase a company’s likelihood of sustaining a high-performing culture with an eternal ROI. While there is no single way to do this, the book offers practical approaches, insights, and case studies from Faith Forward leaders, investors, business owners, and industry experts.


The All-Encompassing Return of Christ: An Introduction to Amillennialism (2024, paperback, ebook) - by Michael Carpenter

The All-Encompassing Return of Christ brings fresh perspective to age-old debates surrounding Christ’s return. The return of Christ is a topic of fervent debate within the Christian Church. Although orthodox Christians agree Christ will return, the specifics are confusing and laden with controversy. One pivotal point of contention is the interpretation of the “millennium” in Revelation chapter 20. The All-Encompassing Return of Christ presents the amillennialism view as the proper understanding of that chapter, asserting that end times are a singular event.


7-Figure Fundraising: A Guide to Help You Raise Millions to Change the World (2024, paperback, ebook, audiobook) - by Trevor Bragdon and Tarren Bragdon

Here’s the truth about fundraising: no one is born a great fundraiser. It’s just a skill you can learn, refine, and master. This book is your guide to improving your major donor fundraising. Whether you’re new to fundraising or a seasoned nonprofit leader, the principles in this book apply to you. In this book, you’ll discover the 3 Levers of Fundraising Growth and how to pull them effectively. You’ll learn how to craft a persuasive pitch that moves donors to action, and how to treat your major donors like the valued partners they are.


Freedom Forward Policy Handbook: Limiting Government, Empowering Families, Strengthening American Industry (2024) - by Club for Growth Foundation

A pro-growth, limited government handbook for reigniting America’s economic engine.


Cultural Continuity: How the Victory Project Discerns “Good” from “God” and Stays True to Christ’s Calling (2024, paperback) - by Monnie L. Bush Jr.

It does not matter where the entrapment occurs. From the hollers to the hood, the chains of poverty are hard to break. Once shackled by these chains, young people find the “deck stacked against them” by societal expectations.

But open the pages of Cultural Continuity, and you will discover how young people have broken free through the Victory Project. You will read more than just inspiring, true stories. You will read about VP’s 3E curriculum (education, entrepreneurship, and enlightenment)—the bedrock of this “faith-fueled movement dedicated to shaping youths into purpose-driven, integrity-rich, service-oriented individuals.”


It Is Not Your Business to Succeed: Your Role in Leadership When You Can’t Control Your Outcomes (2024, paperback, hardback, ebook) - by Brandon M. West

There’s a mindset that’s sabotaging our faithfulness as leaders, one that ties our success to outcomes we can’t even control. And it’s a mindset that is slowly eroding our emotional and spiritual wellness. Entrepreneur and pastor Brandon West explores a fresh perspective that will change how you face your most painful challenges and greatest accomplishments. With practical wisdom and vulnerable storytelling, this book will help you find freedom from the soul-crushing worship of outcomes and trade it for the more rewarding pursuit of “well done.”


Ecclesiastes: An Answer Key for Life’s Biggest Questions (2024, paperback) - by Chad Berry

Since the beginning of time, people in every culture and era have grappled with the same puzzling questions: Where did I come from? Who am I? Why am I here? How Should I live? Where am I going? What is wrong with the world? Can my world be fixed? Pastor Chad Berry explores how the wisdom of King Solomon addresses these questions in Ecclesiastes: An Answer Key for Life’s Biggest Questions.


The Hard Words of Christ (2024, paperback) - by Jonathan Brooks

Over the course of more than two decades in full-time ministry, Jonathan Brooks has often seen the same passages pop up in discussions regarding the supposed problematic teachings of Jesus: “I have come to cause division,” “Hate your family,” “Unless you repent, you will perish,” and others. The Hard Words of Christ was born from the conviction that as a Christian or spiritual seeker, if you can tackle and make sense of these passages, you can move forward in bold confidence with the full counsel of Scripture. You can grow and thrive on the solid foundation of biblical truth. You don’t have to shy away from the hard words of Christ.


Scatter the Seed: Reviving Effective Disciple-Making in the Local Church (2024, paperback, e-book) - by Kevin Freeman

In Scatter the Seed, Freeman explores how Christians can revive disciple-making in the modern church and orient themselves toward the mission Christ has called them to—a mission that can reignite the flame that many churches seem to have lost.

Leveraging relatable language that will speak to the heart of any Christian, Freeman calls readers to foster transformational growth by returning to the simple process of sowing the seed of God’s Word.


These High, Dusty Hills: Abraham's Journey of Faith (2024, paperback, hardback, ebook) - by Todd Jones

Life is a Journey…

We are walking with God or away from him. God called Abraham, along with his wife Sarah, on a journey long ago. The story they bequeath to us is simply astonishing, infused with strange detail and exotic locales, yet quite relatable. Heavy with conflict and regret, rich in tears and laughter, overflowing with mercy and grace, Abraham’s story compels us to examine our own.


Biblical Eldership: Restoring the Eldership to Its Rightful Place in the Local Church (2024, paperback, hardback, ebook, audiobook) - by Alexander Strauch

For 35 years Biblical Eldership has been the premier book explaining the biblical teaching on church eldership, which is shared pastoral leadership by a council of scripturally qualified, Spirit-placed elders. Biblical Eldership has helped ignite a worldwide awakening to this long-neglected and misunderstood subject. This new edition is a comprehensive revision. For those who love solid Bible exposition, this is a much-welcomed volume.


Revival of a Promise Forgotten (2024, paperback) - by Tim Small

Can anything possibly excel becoming an heir of God through Christ? Yes! Small’s discovery of this truth is profound and life-altering. It is no mystical reading, fabricated doctrine, or faulty interpretation of the Word—but instead is a beautiful reflection on God’s faithfulness to protect and provide for His own.

Dig in with Small to hear of his journey with God to rediscover, understand, and revive God’s forgotten promise. Then join him in rejoicing in a newfound Christlikeness—all to God’s glory!


Change Is a Jungle: It’s Who You Are and Who’s around You That Gets You Through (2024, paperback, ebook) - by Terry Wright

How can you fight through feelings of fear and panic as change slams into your life? How can you lead your team to win and grow through change and not just endure it? Read Change Is a Jungle. It will get you there.


12 Ways You Can Make a Difference in This Crazy, Mixed-Up World (2023, paperback, ebook, audiobook) - by Gordon A. Dickson

In this crazy, mixed-up world, how can you make a difference? That’s the question this book will help you to answer for yourself. New generations often look upon Christians as shallow, hypocritical, and irrelevant, but Christ gave us the blessed answer to that problem. What if we show new generations the true Christianity that Christ taught? By God’s grace, what if we could become what we want them to be? We can!

Prayer Sparks: The Gospel of Mark

Prayer Sparks: The Gospel of Mark (2023, paperback, ebook) - by Jon Varner

How do you “pray without ceasing”? In this innovative yet Word-centric approach to one of our truest responsibilities toward God, Jon Varner unveils a solid method to engage God with the very Scripture He authored, and, in the process, deepen our prayer life to move us tangibly closer to a mindset of continuously communing with the Lord.

Distracted while praying? Feeling disconnected from your current Bible studies? Here’s the solution: reconnect your prayers and your Bible reading.


The Supremacy of Christ As Revealed in the Letter to the Hebrews (2023, paperback) - by Pat Penecale

In this fresh approach to one of the deepest books in the Bible, Pat Penecale provides an ambitious means to move you closer to God’s peace and will. Penecale’s sweeping, big-picture thesis that Jesus is “better than revered Old Testament institutions” is convincingly supported, chapter by chapter, with thorough and insightful exegesis, parallels, and applications.


The Depth of the Shepherd (2023, paperback) - by Bernie Miller, DMin

In this energetic volume, Bernie Miller answers this question that so many family and spiritual leaders face. Our best rest comes when we understand why God identifies Himself to His children as Jehovah Raah ("the Lord is my Shepherd") and Jehovah Jireh ("the Lord is my Provider"). Through a deep and delightful analysis of God's holy names, Miller plumbs the depths of all that the Good Shepherd promises—and proves—to be for His sheep. Looking for comfort and confidence grounded in eternal truth? Enjoy this encouraging study of God's manifestations to His children!

A Sermon-Sourced Book.


God’s Word: From Creation to Consummation (2023, paperback) - by Dr. Kenny Craig

“Simple enough for a third grader to understand, yet deep enough for a theologian to chew on.”
— Dr. Jeff Spooneybarger, Founder of CrossLife Ministries

“This book should be given to every new follower of Christ to help guide them to understanding not only the power of our words but also the transformational power of the Word of God.”
— Dr. Barry Whitworth, Executive Director, Baptist Resource Network of Pennsylvania/South Jersey

A Sermon-Sourced Book.


Hang In There! Successfully Navigating the Christian Faith (2023, paperback) - by Wes Brockway

God’s Word used to be preeminent to us. But the newness of the Bible wears off. Many Bible-believing Christians struggle with a loss of first love. They slowly drift from the truth, leaving obedience open to negotiation.

Hang In There! explores Hebrews, revealing that the tendency to drift reaches back to the first generation of converts—and it exposes the truth: “Our ability to stay steadfast is not based upon our understanding, or what we do or don’t do. We hang in there because Jesus Christ keeps us.”

A Sermon-Sourced Book.


Communing with God: A Basic Guide to the Discipline of Prayer (2023, paperback) - by Chad Berry

“The enemy would love to keep believers far from the practice of prayer, because prayer is vital to our communion with God and the joy of our salvation. Ask yourself honestly: What is my view of prayer in the Christian life? Chad Berry’s Communing with God will instruct and encourage you in the stunning privilege of coming before the living God in the name of Jesus.” Dr. Mitch Chase, Associate Professor of Biblical Studies at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and Pastor of Kosmosdale Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky.

A Sermon-Sourced Book.


Legacy of Life: Honoring Fifty of the Greatest Pro-Life Leaders of the Last Fifty Years (2023) - Florida Family Policy Council

“This limited-edition commemorative table book is a powerful tribute to fifty different respected leaders who have made numerous sacrifices to defend the sanctity of life. Each tribute narrates the personal and professional contributions of extraordinary public servants and private citizens who stood up for life. All fifty tributes are written by respected leaders to honor the most significant founders, builders, strategists, and innovators of the pro-life movement during the last fifty years since the tragic Roe v.Wade decision. This is an immersive journey through the lives of the great leaders who have paved the way for us to stand up for life.” Florida Family Policy Council


Asking for a Friend (2023, booklet series) - University Baptist Church

Each booklet is made from one sermon in University Baptist Church’s Asking for a ‘Friend’: Questions That Christians Are Too Afraid to Ask sermon series. Topics include “How Can We Know That God Exists?” “How Can I Know the Bible Is Trustworthy?” “Do I Have to Forgive That Person?” “How Can I Know If I’m Truly Saved?” “What Happens When I Die?” and more.

Sermon-Sourced Booklets.


Boundaries... And So Much More! (2023, paperback) - by Dr. Rocky Ramsey

A collection of biblical concepts and best practices for living a great Christian life. Dr. Rocky Ramsey gives insights on how to reflect and decide on what steps are needed to establish healthy boundaries.


City of Man, Kingdom of God: Why Christians Respect, Obey, and Resist Government (2022, ebook, hardback) - by Jesse Johnson

When government overreaches, how should Christians respond? Does God want Christians to submit to evil civil leaders? What if government restrictions interfere with worship? City of Man, Kingdom of God: Why Christians Respect, Obey, and Resist Government answers these questions by looking first to Scripture, then to church history. Guiding readers through key passages in Genesis, Ecclesiastes, Romans, and the Gospels, Pastor Jesse Johnson traces the broad yet limited scope of authority God has given government.

A Sermon-Sourced Book.

Rediscovering the American Covenant

Rediscovering the American Covenant: Roadmap to Restore America (2022, hardback, ebook, paperback) - by Mark Burrell

The vast majority of Christian leaders say the American founding violated Romans 13, and that sincere believers should focus on evangelism versus politics. What is the biblical argument that justified separating from England? Is good governing at odds with evangelism? Who does God expect to establish law and order? And, what is needed to restore America to a God honoring nation? These questions have not been adequately answered – until now.


The Civil Society Tutorial (2021, booklet series) - by Chip Weiant

Character + Collaboration = Community. The Civil Society Tutorial series equips readers to understand their identity and responsibility as “dual citizens” (citizens of God’s Kingdom and our American republic) and to reflect on, assess, and grow into the character and collaboration that it takes to build true community.


Some Good Stories: God’s Faithfulness to Our Family (2021, hardcover) - by Cindy Good

Good's account leads readers on a journey through unexpected laughter, friendships, challenges, disappointments, and growth. Her story is eminently human, recording the frailties and uncertainties that punctuate Good's victories as a wife, mother, school teacher, piano instructor, pregnancy resource center servant, and other roles God prepared in advance for her. Some Good Stories affirms God's faithfulness in one family's life from the monumental to the mundane, from a couple's job relocations to their children's schooling to pets that didn't work out (and ones that did).


God in a Word: Five Meditations on the Incarnation of Christ (2020, paperback, ebook) - by Joe Godwin, Paul Pyle, and Joey Turner

Can you sum up Christianity in a single word? This is something only God could do—and he did so in the first century through the writings of his apostles. God in a Word cracks the first verses of the Gospel of John wide open, spilling light on a mystery that has both challenged church fathers and strengthened the faith of common believers for two thousand years.

A Sermon-Sourced Book.


Brave Like Esther (2020, paperback, ebook) - by Ray Green

Are fear, doubt, and discord the "new normal"? A global pandemic, social unrest, contentious elections, and prolonged isolation may make you think so. But Brave Like Esther: Faith’s Answer to Fear in a World Full of Questions reminds us that no calamity can outflank the perfect plans of a sovereign, loving God—even when all seems lost. For proof, trace God’s sovereign fingerprints through one of the most dramatic books in the Bible: Esther. Connecting past to present, pastor Ray Green’s Brave Like Esther illuminates God’s perfect plan as it played out in the risky choices of Esther and Mordecai—Jewish exiles in Persia in the 480s BC—and challenges American Christians to make similarly courageous leaps of faith.

A Sermon-Sourced Book.

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What Church Can Be: An Optimistic Vision with Some Blueprints (2020, paperback) - by Matthew Kruse

Are you committed to building a strong local church, but unsure what's possible or how to go about it? What Church Can Be is an exposition, memoir, and blueprint, all rolled into one. Matt Kruse, founding pastor of Seven Mile Road Church in Boston, wrote this book for folks whose city resembles Rome more than Dallas, Ephesus more than Escondido, and for the pastor who has to grind—hard—for every dollar, every connection, every conversion.

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Bellwether Blues: A Conservative Awakening in the Millennial Soul (2020, hardcover, ebook) - by Jonathan Jakubowski

Through a compilation of seven stories of Millennials in Swing County America, who swung from Obama to Trump, this work revives the importance of the timeless ideals of faith, family, and freedom in the electoral context. These three pillars are interdependent in the American experiment.


Sharing the Burden: The Samaritan Ministries Story (2020, paperback, ebook) - by Michael Miller

Samaritan Ministries International offers a health care sharing ministry for Christians to share all these aspects of their health care needs. Learn how God providentially used a small group of devoted people, working from a remodeled chicken coop, to grow a health care sharing ministry to more than 270,000 individuals worldwide--sharing more than $30 million in medical needs each month and depending on Him to minister to all aspects of their health care needs.

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Living with Scars: A Jew Who Knows Our Suffering (2020, hardcover, paperback) - by Douglas A. Jakubowski

Does God really know my pain? Will He deliver me from it? The despair of atheism declares there is no hope—only death. But there is a living rebuttal to man's hopelessness. The Bible reveals a God who knows our pain. This God not only endured suffering but also overcame pain and even death. His name is Jesus. Jesus's life as a Jewish Rabbi, His promises at the Passover, His death as the Lamb of God, and His resurrection should shape every believer's response to suffering. This book presents grounds for faith in an unseen God—a historically strengthened faith that encourages believers in heart-wrenching times, times when pain and suffering seem relentless. The God of the Bible knows our pain and will ultimately deliver His followers from it.


Truth, Memory, Justice: One Hundred Years After The Bolshevik Revolution (2019, hardcover) - by Marion Smith

On November 7–9, 2017, the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation convened a major conference in the halls of the Library of Congress as part of the Victims of Communism Centennial Commemoration. In seven panel discussions, an impressive array of academics, practitioners, and public servants discussed topics including the history of the Bolshevik Revolution; the Marxist ideology that drove it; the Soviet Union’s economy, politics, and foreign policy; its influence around the world; and the struggle to reckon with the past through historical and public memory. This volume contains the proceedings of that conference, as well as a window into the rich intellectual exchange occasioned by this meeting of minds.